Buddies :

Sorry for the few days for not talking with you guys and others ....
i have been not talking for 4 days is not because of you guys ....
actually all starts from last thursday (30/7)...

That day we have calculus test ....
When i took the paper ....
I am just totaly blank in my mind ...
really cant even think what is those solution for those question ....

Just feel really disappointed with myself ....
why people can solve those question ....
why people can finish so quickly ....
but why i cant ....

Beside the test ....
exam paper that reutrn from teacher also not very good ....
my chemistry ....
really cant imagine it ....
i just get 15/40 for the paper ....

just really feel disappointed on myself ....
feel sad ....

however really sorry for you guys ....
Sorry to you all .....

milo ....