Recently ....
Our class have planted an orange and a lemon tree ....
There are planted quite near together ...
luckily they didnt snacthed their fertilizer ...

After a few months ....
they grown up together ....
they started to have their fruits on the tree ...
their fruits getting bigger and bigger by days ...

When people saw the attractting fruits ....
They started to look an eye on it with motive ....
Days after days ...
the lemon and orange fruit get ripe ...

Outsider starting to plan what should they do with the fruits
when they flop on the ground ....
some people suggest to make orange juice ...
some people suggest to make lemon juice ....
and some people also suggest to mix them together ....

The day comes ....
The fruits on the two trees flop on the ground ...
they ran to pick them up ....
but they figure out that ...
half of the fruits are attacked by injurious insects ....
half of them are rotten ...

In the end of the day ...
They get nothing on the two trees ....